Site Disclosure

This blog is my platform where I write and edit all the content myself. The opinions expressed here solely belong to me and do not represent any company or organization I may be associated with.

Please note that the information shared on this blog is, for purposes only and should not be considered as advice. I am not a professional so my recommendations are based on my experiences and research. It is always advisable to consult a specialist before making any changes to your skincare or wellness routine.

You may come across affiliate links within this blog. By clicking on these links and making purchases there’s a possibility that I may earn a commission without any cost to you. This helps in keeping the blog operational while providing you with content.

Please be aware that only items I personally purchase or receive for review will be featured on this blog. My intention is simply to share products that I genuinely believe in and use myself.

While every effort has been made to provide information on this website it cannot be guaranteed at all times. Mistakes or omissions can occur therefore I am not liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance, on any information provided here.

By accessing this site you agree to comply with the terms of the disclosure policy outlined above. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at any time.